Ken was a 2 time all-county athlete in both football and lacrosse at Jamesville-Dewitt high school where he became addicted to painkillers from sports injuries. He went on to star in football at St. John Fisher College and lacrosse at Nazareth College, where his addiction really began to take over his life. Ken still managed to play lacrosse professionally despite his addiction and lead a successful life but substances were taking over.

Hundreds of students have reached out to Ken for assistance in getting clean and sober. The presentation opens the doors of healthy communication between students, family members and school faculty. He has been handed bags of pills, suicide notes, bags of illicit drugs and been able to get those students the help the need. Family members of addicts stay in touch with Ken for support, as well.

Ken has now shared his story with over 100,000 students across the country. Speaking in hundreds of schools and communities. Each school reports the students talking about the impact his presentation made on them months, even years, after he spoke there. His presentation is not one your students will soon forget.
There and Back Inc. is a 501(c)3 Non-Profit, all donations are 100% tax deductible.

Students and student athletes need to be educated on where substance abuse can lead. Students, faculty and administrators who have seen Ken’s presentation see first hand how addiction can affect their lives forever and how it can happen to anyone. Make arrangements to have Ken come help educate your students.

The There and Back Family I.M.P.A.C.T foundation was started in May of 2017 by brothers Matt and Ken Bartolo. Started with funds out of Ken and Matt’s own pocket’s the foundation pays for expenses related to rehabilitation and other addiction treatments. The foundation has already helped get 3 peolpe into rehabilitation centers and payed various other expenses related to treatment. Your donations will go towards getting people who cant afford it the treatment they need. If you are planning on booking Ken to speak please know that 10% of Ken’s speakers stipend is allocated to the foundation. Ken’s way of giving back. We work with organizations like Prevention Network and H.O.P.E to identify and qualify recipients we feel will take advantage of the help being offered. The Family I.M.P.A.C.T. Foundation is part of There and Back Inc. Non-profit organization and 100% tax deductible. Help us help the millions who struggle with addiction get the help they need!